
Visual Daily Schedule
Spring & Summer Menu | Fall & Winter Menu |
We serve nutritious, balanced food that is made from scratch, whenever possible.
Our on-site cook prepares a hot lunch and two snacks daily. Our meals fulfill two-thirds of the Canada Food Guide’s daily recommendations.
We encourage food conservation, table skills, and manners with the children at mealtimes. This includes:
- independent serving;
- sampling of the foods presented;
- consumption of the portions taken; and
- clearing of personal dishes and utensils.
Due to allergy concerns, we do not allow you to bring food into the daycare.
*Exception: Infant formula and breast milk must be provided by parents ready to serve in a bottle.
Daily activities and experiences are a fundamental component of children's play. We promote open environments and active exploration to provoke children's fluid thinking before, during, and after their play.
Special programming invites children to explore multimodal literacies in unique and creative forms. Programming classes include:
- Yoga (Lisa - Glow Yoga Kids)
- Music (Dawn Bissett - Look for the Rainbow Music)
- French (Camille - Alliance Française of Edmonton)
*French class is for Rooms Five & Six currently - September 2021.
Each room follows a daily routine that is specifically designed for each age group. This ensures that meal and nap times are consistent for children.
We emphasize language, communication, critical thinking, problem-solving and the development of positive self-esteem. Our educators help children make choices and understand the natural consequences of their decisions.
Educators thoughtfully plan experiences based on constant observation and documentation of children's interactions with materials and their environment. A mix of both child-directed and educator-influenced activities are practiced to ensure both the educator and the child are learning from one another through their participation together.
Field Trips are an extension of learning inside the classroom. Educators determine their choice of destination through children's interests and observations of children's connection with their environment and materials.